Metabolic profiling

uszt_enProjekt címe: “Modern metabolizmus és szöveti eloszlás vizsgálati módszerek beállítása, alkalmazása gyógyszerhatóanyagok preklinikai kutatás-fejlesztésében”
Projekt azonosító: GOP-1.1.1-11-2012-0454
Projekt megvalósítás időszaka: 2013. 01. 01 – 2014. 06. 30
Konzorciumi partner: Szegedi Tudományegyetem

The aim of the present grant application is to establish and develop novel technologies and methods that are capable of investigating drug metabolism for drug discovery purposes. With the current application Avidin intends to build a series of traditional analytical potential for its in-house drug discovery programmes as well as to increase its fee for service potential. The novel screening platforms will cover fluorescent-, luminexcent-based methods as well as gene expression analysis. Gene expression analysis will be performed on cells cultured in vitro conditions, but also on tissue samples isolated from test animals. To reveal specific metabolic potential of different species in the frame of the project Avidin is going to apply mouse, rat, human, dog and pig microsomes, liver samples.

Based on Avidin’s chemical synthetic potential we are going to synthesize different fluorescent and luminescent probes having specific metabolic degradation characteristics. By using these reagents novel high-through put screens can be established and they could be used in different fee for service projects

The company will develop gene expression panels as products for focused analysis of expression changes in response to drug treatment in either cells or in animals.



The grant was supported by the National Development Agency.
